25 Dec 2014 portal with just anyone. The Legend of Korra's final scene confirmed something that children's television rarely does: these characters are gay.



She knows that Mako thinks situations through, and will plan ahead. She also has faith in his judgment. She believes that Mako’s decisions will help them through their In Korra’s case we see her being attracted to Mako because he was attractive (or so we’re told) and a good bender, and then we never really see it go any deeper than that. But Mako doesn’t even have those shallow reasons to like Korra. He just magically falls in love with her for no apparent reason. Let’s break it down by episodes.

Does korra likes mako

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Because he is a firebender, Mako is able to create and manipulate the classical element of fire. Mako also has the ability to both … Why does there seem to be a recent surge of Mako hate? I understand he was conflicted about Asami and Korra in book 2 and makes some mistakes and it was kinda annoying but other than that he’s a pretty cool guy ? Genuinely cares about his brother and his heart is in the right place.

Asami, did you know Korra likes Mako? Asami, visste du att Korra gillar Mako? Asami you always know how to accessorize your outfits. Asami du vet alltid hur 

When Bolin tells Mako that he really likes her, Mako tells Bolin that he shouldn’t date her. Mako is playing keep away with Bolin over a girl they both like.

Does korra likes mako

Jun 27, 2017 And, admittedly, the first season of KORRA didn't do much to change my and made contact with Aang, and Mako admits that he loves Korra.

Does korra likes mako

Hanna Malmberg Hannuzzen 1702 Answers 1182 Likes Askfm Acting for me is to live as many lives as i can during this lifetime. In featured 0  Enjoying her sake (Tatekawa Mako) [1920x1080] March 2021 | Softcore | Titta på de bästa HD Ecchi, ❗️Yaoi eller Yuri Truyen Hentai Anime Manga I would like to introduce: Hentaireviews Beach Volleyball Korra · Brigitte and Wonder Woman | Anime Hentai 4 Top Rated : This is what Fubuki does at her spare time  you can put in a single garb ~.~ -------------------DISCL Mako Mankanshoku Korra - The Legend of Korra. Skapad av NepsterCZ.

Does korra likes mako

Top Answer. Wiki User Answered 2012-06-05 20:35:05.
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Top Answer. Wiki User Answered 2012-06-05 20:35:05. In the episode where she reveals that she's a man. 0 0 1 Korra flashes one to Mako and Mako gives a confused look, implying he’s above it all. Later, one of the scenes involves Bolin asking Mako about what he thinks of Korra as girlfriend material.

Mako was that something new. As for Mako, I really dont know. You would think someone as stoic as him wouldnt fall for some stubborn, entitled, pretty girl like Korra. But Mako respects power and position a lot.
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2014-12-30 · Korra, Mako and Bolin are the only ones left fighting the gang, the rest of the bender have either helped escape with some of the ghetto dwellers or are down. As they fight the gang 2 to one, Korra has an urge to use her other bendings but before she does she stops whitch gets her knocked down by a rock.

Though he had communication issues and could be a little stoic, he had a protective and gentle heart. However, over time their relationship only became more and more strained. The Legend Of Korra is the sequel series of Avatar: The Last Airbender and it's packed with a lot of action, drama, and suspense.

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youtube.com. Legend of Korra Avatar the Last Airbender Rap What do you guys think about 'The Legend of Korra'? Azula: Like I've never done that before.
