SiteMinder Policy Server Installation: Prerequisite : Install j2re on CIESITEMINDER machine and restart the machine. Default web site of Application Server *IIS 6.0" should be running . Double click on nete-ps-6.0-sp1-win32.exe from installation CD. Fig #1. NOTE :
Installing and configuring the SiteMinder TAI Install the latest available version of the CA SiteMinder Application Server Agent as well as the latest available hot fix that is certified by Computer Associates to work with the version of the IBM® WebSphere® Application server that you are using.
Install and configure the Apache HTTP reverse proxy server with the SiteMinder Web Agent. Install SiteMinder Application Server Agent for WebSphere. SiteMinder uses agents to intercept HTTP requests in Sametime® servers, and then forwards them to the SiteMinder Policy Server for authentication. Configuring SiteMinder for the Sametime® Community Server. This section describes how to install and configure CA SiteMinder HTTP server agents on the IBM® Sametime® Community Server. Policy Server. Policy Agents .
Run the Installer. (Optional) Reinstall the Policy Server. We recommend that you create a non-privileged (non-root) user account for installing Policy Server with a specific account. Use the default KornShell to create a user account with the name smuser. To install Policy Server as the root user and then to run it as smuser, change the ownership of the Policy Server binaries to smuser and launch the binaries from the smuser account.
SiteMinder Policy Server Installation: Prerequisite : Install j2re on CIESITEMINDER machine and restart the machine. Default web site of Application Server *IIS 6.0" should be running . Double click on nete-ps-6.0-sp1-win32.exe from installation CD. Fig #1. NOTE :
The Policy Server configuration wizard starts. If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled run the wizard executable file with Administrator permissions, even if you are logged into the system as an Administrator.
SiteMinder uses agents to intercept HTTP requests in Sametime® servers, and then forwards them to the SiteMinder Policy Server for authentication. Configuring SiteMinder for the Sametime® Community Server. This section describes how to install and configure CA SiteMinder HTTP server agents on the IBM® Sametime® Community Server.
Install the IBM WebSphere Application Server. The IBM WebSphere Application Server Documentation .
Ensure the following prerequisites before installing the SiteMinder Web Agent: The Web Server is installed. You have an account with Administrative privileges for your Web Server.
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You have an account with Administrative privileges for your Web Server. The Policy Server is configured.
The SiteMinder ASA Identity Asserter forwards the session token to the SiteMinder Policy Server.
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Perform the following steps to install Policy Server: Review the Considerations. Enable 8dot3 Name Creation for the Windows File System. Gather Information for the Installer. Run the Installer. (Optional) Reinstall the Policy Server.
SiteMinder uses agents to intercept HTTP requests in Sametime® servers, and then forwards them to the SiteMinder Policy Server for authentication. Configuring SiteMinder for the Sametime® Community Server.
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Has anyone successfully installed Siteminder Policy Sever 12.5 (or 12.x) on Windows Server 2012. Getting the following error: D:\ca\policyserver\siteminder\bin>java
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