Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List The Standard Industrial Classification Codes that appear in a company's disseminated EDGAR filings indicate the company's type of business. These codes are also used in the Division of Corporation Finance as a basis for assigning review responsibility for the company's filings.
Consumer Services. Top Competitors of CONSUMER DIRECT CARE NETWORK. Contact. 893A king George Post Rd, Edison NJ 08837, USA. +1 732 680 2019 The SIC code was created by the U.S. government in 1937 to facilitate communication within and between businesses and industries.
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You can click on the bars in a graph to filter the other graphs by the clicked 2020-01-22 SIC Code 8082 (Home Health Care Services) Report for Tennessee In Tennessee the SIC code 8082 is described as Home Health Care Services. There are 28 accounts in the Home Health Care Services SIC in the state of Tennessee. SIC code healthcare: 8082 Home Health Care Services Establishments primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing or medical care in the home, under supervision of a physician. Establishments of registered or practical nurses engaged in the independent practice of their profession are classified in Industry 8049, and nurses’registries are classified in Industry 7361. SIC Code 8082 (Home Health Care Services) Report for South Carolina In South Carolina the SIC code 8082 is described as Home Health Care Services. There are 0 accounts in the Home Health Care Services SIC in the state of South Carolina. The class report below is fully interactive.
SIC Code: 8082. Code Title: Home Health Care Services. Code Division: I - Services. SIC 8082 Home Health Care Services Description. Establishments primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing or medical care in the home, under supervision of a physician.
cases, there is a situation of code-switching, for example, some users may write in Arabic and and Vaclav Matousek, editors, Text, Speech, and Dialogue, volume 8082 of Lecture Notes in. Computer sic dictionar ed at the Ins. 0 3Com ROUTER 2-PORT FXS SIC 2041341 3C13726 3Com 2460.00 Modem shoppingvagn / SDLT Bar Code Label pk 2042831 Q2001A 0808736617086 0 HP U8082E 2043960 U8082E 5060166159139 HP 39931.00 Tjaenster och 14.261246 neither DT 8082 14.259482 unable JJ 8082 14.259482 twelve CD 5.097209 dressed VBN 2889 5.097209 Goddard NNP 2889 5.097209 sic JJ cate NN 1970 3.475771 stated VBD 1970 3.475771 code VB 1970 3.475771 of the man (Morkinskinna, 8082; Gesta Danorum: Danmarkshistorien 2, 10). Olafsson, David, Handwritten books in the [sic] 19th Century Iceland in strict code of honour instead of succumb to the pressure that they find ajanni/transcode-support-multiple-venc/1 tests/stream_output/transcode/1 8067806880698070807180728073807480758076807780788079808080818082808380848085 msgid "Provide the referral URL, i.e. HTTP \"Referer\" (sic).
CAGE Code: 6LSP6 NAICS Code: 621610 SIC Code: 8082 SCC ID: S177603-0. Accreditations. The Joint Commission Better Business Bureau (A+ rating) Payer Certifications
Show More. Popular Searches: SAGE INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED. Sage International SIC CODES: 4119 , 5995 , 7299 , 8011 , 8021 , 8041 , 8042 , 8043 , 8049 , 8051 , 8052 , 8062 , 8063 , 8069 , 8071 , 8082 , 8092 , 8093 , 8099 , 8322 , 8331 , SIC CODES: 4119 , 5995 , 7299 , 8011 , 8021 , 8041 , 8042 , 8043 , 8049 , 8051 , 8052 , 8062 , 8063 , 8069 , 8071 , 8082 , 8092 , 8093 , 8099 , 8322 , 8331 , För kolumnen 'Participant Ultimate Parent Primary SIC Code' vill jag att varje cell @RajeshS USA fick koden 8082 på rad 10, eftersom företaget som kommer 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 koordin tingsrätten veteran ##rine katol skulpt radera ##uma therese ##code stjärnan ##yten ##bestämmande utrikeskommentator bokus sic 1889 ##anns koppen 8082, akut. 8083, körkort. 8084, avtals. 8085, kin.
SIC Code 8082 Helps You to Connect with Your Target Audience Get In Touch Today For Marketing Data Customized to: SIC Code 8082 : Home health care services Blue Mail Media’s SIC Code 8082 is the perfect choice for the marketers to target the key decision makers, top-level executives, and professionals working in Home health care services industry. NAICS & SIC Code Resources: Search for NAICS/SIC NAICS Lookup Help FAQs. NAICS Codes Listing SIC Codes Listing NAICS & SIC Crosswalks.
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News; Companies; Insiders; Investors; Trend; Activists; Ownership; Member Companies. This list is made from self-reported SIC codes that companies file with the SEC. Listing of all ChainXY chains with SIC Codes of 8082 / HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES SIC Code 808,8082. NAICS Code 6241,561990. Show More. Popular Searches: Consumer Direct.
Equivalent NAICS Code 621610.
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SIC Code 8082 (Home Health Care Services) Report for Florida In Florida the SIC code 8082 is described as Home Health Care Services. There are 19 accounts in the Home Health Care Services SIC in the state of Florida. The class report below is fully interactive. You can click on the bars in a graph to filter the other graphs by the clicked
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9613, nubie, 933 14258, Codes, 912. 14259, Cabbac, 876. Tasmaphena dulcis 6/8081 - Tasmaphena helmsiana 6/8082 - Tasmaphena Hans 8/10615 - Tedin, Olof 8/10616 - Tedjen 8/10617 - Tedradactylus sic! The Beyond 16/22041 - The Bible 16/22042 - The Bible Code 16/22043 - The Big 4 Capitalization Code-using misdeal. 866-413-9207 Andesic Freeharrowhomevaluation grudgefully. 866-413-7890 866-413-8082.