Citation: Jyothii V, Shanthi N. HuMet: Inclusive non-redundant database on human metabolites and Metabolizing enzymes. In InCoB-2007, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, August 27 - 30, 2007 [Abstract]
av C Courtois-Moreau · 2008 · Citerat av 3 — Bioinformatics: the essential starting point for gene browsing 29 significant homology to all non-redundant proteins in the NCBI database. Interestingly
The aim of the analysis presented here was to overcome both these limitations and to produce both a comprehensive and a non-redundant description of domain movements from structures stored in the current protein data bank. Redundancy is another major problem affecting primary databases. There is tremendous duplication of information in the databases, for various reasons. The causes of redundancy include repeated submission of identical or overlapping sequences by the same or different authors, revision of annotations, dumping of expressed sequence tags (EST) data, and poor database management that fails to detect the redundancy. redundant databases because some of the most important determinants, such as antimicrobial resistance and core genome multilocus sequence typing (MLST) alleles, are highly similar to one another. In order to facilitate this, a novel mapping method, KMA (k-mer alignment), was designed.
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It helps scientists to understand the concepts of biological phenomena. The database acts as a storage of information. It helps remove the redundancy of data. The chief objective of the development of a database is to organize data in a set of structured records to enable easy retrieval of information.
high-throughput molecular data: biostatistics, bioinformatics, systems biology (inaktivt) in screening for associations in the WHO drug safety database (inaktivt) 2004-09-29, Data redundancy ¿ the new challenge in chemometrics (inaktivt).
Eng. 3:153. Non-redundant: Automatically generated from component databases (see reference for further info). Protein Motifs Bioinformatics and computational biology involve the analysis of biological data, particularly DNA, RNA, and protein sequences.
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… Motivation: The current DynDom database of protein domain motions is a user-created database that suffers from selectivity and redundancy. The aim of the analysis presented here was to overcome both these limitations and to produce both a comprehensive and a non-redundant description of domain movements from structures stored in the current protein data bank. UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot is a manually annotated, non-redundant protein sequence database. It combines information extracted from scientific literature and biocurator -evaluated computational analysis. The aim of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot is to provide all known relevant information about a particular protein.
MetOSite : a database about methionine sulfoxidation sites and its functional roles in proteins [25] Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) is the largest collection of hospital care data in the United States. In bioinformatics, and indeed in other data intensive research fields, databases are often categorised as primary or secondary (Table 2).
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Contribute to BRENDA! Your enzyme data is important for BRENDA. Send us your paper, and we will do all the work to include your data into our database. In bioinformatics, sequence clustering algorithms attempt to group biological sequences that are somehow related. The sequences can be either of genomic, "transcriptomic" or protein origin.
UniProtKB / Swiss-Prot är en manuellt kommenterad, icke-redundant
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The HuMet db consists of a collection of various human metabolites. It consists of chemical data, clinical data molecular biology and biochemistry data of particular metabolites. Citation: Jyothii V, Shanthi N. HuMet: Inclusive non-redundant database on human metabolites and Metabolizing enzymes.
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However, UniProt also infers peptide sequences from genomic information, and it provides a wealth of additional information, some derived from automated annotation (TrEMBL), and even more Biological databases Biological database is a collection of data which is structured, searchable, updated periodically and also cross- referenced. Some databases are multi functional Major purposes of databases is as follows:Availability of biological data Systemization of data Analysis of computed biological data 4. Database search Text-based (SRS, Entrez Bioinformatics centers and servers Links to other collections of bioinformatics resources UniRef (UniProt NREF (Non-redundant REFerence) database at EBI, UK) IPI (International Protein Index; human, rat and mouse proteome database at EBI, … Prosite is a protein pattern database which was created in 1988 by Amos Bairoch. and belongs to Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. It includes the basic patterns which. are found in incomplete 2015-03-29 Profile database is used to find out the most conserved regions in the sequence alignment. Profile is weighted to indicate modifications (in bioinformatics wording-INDELS) are allowed in the sequence.