Choose file Bewerbung absenden  Choose file Motivering. Choose file. Jag började på Interxion som Senior Human Resource Advisor och 2 år Jag sätter mig regelbundet med min chef för att diskutera vad som går bra och vad jag behöver ha stöd med. Chef Militärregion Mitt or Försvarsmakten Militärregion Mitt.

Chef file resource

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Solo.rb − This file tells Chef about where to find cookbooks, roles, and data bags. Node.json − This file sets the run list and any node-specific attribute, if required. Se hela listan på C:\chef\cookbooks ginx>tree Folder PATH listing for volume Local Disk Volume serial number is BE8B-6427 C: ├───attributes ├───definitions ├───files │ └───default ├───libraries ├───providers ├───recipes ├───resources └───templates └───default On October 28, 2015, Chef Principal Engineer John Keiser presented a webinar on Custom Resources in Chef Client 12.5. John introduced the concept of the custom resource, explained why you would want to write one, introduced the language concepts, and walked through a tutorial of how to make your own. Se hela listan på The chef provisioner installs, configures and runs the Chef Client on a remote resource. The chef provisioner supports both ssh and winrm type connections .

Alternativt kan du också bara använda: File resource = new File(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource('filename.ext').toURI());.

class) raise ArgumentError, " verify requires either a string, symbol, or a block " end if command || block_given? verifications << Verification. new (self, command, opts, & block) else verifications end end Using a cookbook_file resource as coderanger described is probably the more correct way of doing this.

Chef file resource

I created this LWRP to solve the chicken-and-egg problem of fetching files from S3 on the first Chef run on a newly provisioned machine. Ruby libraries that are installed on that first run are not available to Chef during the run, so I couldn't use a library like Fog to get what I needed from S3.

Chef file resource

GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Chef provides several built in resources for you to use. For example, using chef’s built-in resource you can manage packages, services, files, directories on your system. But, if you have a complex requirement that is specific to your application or tool, you can create your own custom resource, and place them under the resources directory. Chef uses templates to be able to fill the configuration file with dynamic values. Chef provides templates as a resource which can be used in the recipe.

Chef file resource

It helps in knowing the current status of the target machine using the Ohai mechanism of Chef. file is the resource name is the name of the resource block; when the path property is not specified as part of a recipe, name is also the path to the file content specifies the contents of the file :action identifies the steps the chef-client will take to bring the node into the desired state # File 'lib/chef/resource/file.rb', line 98 def state_for_resource_reporter state_attrs = super # fix up checksum state with final_checksum saved by the provider if checksum. nil? && final_checksum state_attrs [:checksum] = final_checksum end state_attrs end # The cookbook_file resource is used to transfer files from a sub-directory of the files/ directory in a cookbook to a specified path that is located on the host running the chef-client or chef-solo. # File 'lib/chef/resource.rb', line 110 def initialize (name, run_context = nil) name (name) unless name. nil? @run_context = run_context @logger = if run_context run_context.
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The native file resource has the drawback of treating files like text: cookbook code has to take care of serializing data, and unless you take great care to preserve data order, it often thinks that file has changed even though the data inside it is the same (e.g. because Users that aren't using the template resource get the line ending of whatever was uploaded -- so you can't edit Windows cookbook_file resources on Linux hosts and vice-versa; Does anyone want to edit on Linux, push to Linux via chef but to deploy with Windows line endings? (and vice versa) Proposal One. Add a binmode flag on all the file resources. I am wondering if there is a resource to download multiple files from remote using chef resource. I want to use: Chef InSpec makes it easy to run your tests wherever you need.

Learn all the components that go into creating Chef Cookbook packages for use the file resource to copy a file from the files directory, to /var/www/index.html.
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5 Mar 2018 If you have had any chance to write Chef code, at least two of those are have a resource that should only take action if a certain file is present 

för Hadoops YARN (Yet Another Resource Scheduler) och HDFS (Hadoop File System). IDG News. HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource L'UE et les États-Unis pourraient assumer un rôle de chef de file dans l'établissement de normes mondiales  Läs recensioner av Chef Enterprise Automation Stack som är skrivna av riktiga Nackdelar: The documentation was a bit scarce, and the available resources online Nackdelar: If you decide a file/package should not be placed/installed on a  Strategiska inköp.

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For example, using chef’s built-in resource you can manage packages, services, files, directories on your system. But, if you have a complex requirement that is specific to your application or tool, you can create your own custom resource, and place them under the resources directory.

com När? var med. Budskap ut.Han Fina slås. Fina finns Det Budskap. Chef File resource hade premiär. återförenades Fina Budskap. Film Med; ›; Karlsborgs; ›; Fina  Fot och hudvårds-salong FILE – In this Thursday, Oct. Amazon launched in Sweden Radio P1 in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.