Jul 18, 2020 “The interesting part is [Linus Torvalds]'s response on the LKML thread, which leaves everyone hoping for a hearty signature Rust rant akin to his 


Linux-kernel mailing list archive 2001-16, by date. Most recent messages; Messages sorted by: Starting: Thu 01 Jan 1970 - 07:59:60 EET DST Ending: Sun 29 Apr 2001 - 14:43:55 EET DST Messages: 1377 E14riRj-0008HH-00@the-village.bc.nu E14riRj-0008HH-00@the-village.bc.nu; Re: [PATCH] ppp_generic, kernel 2.4. Dieter Nützel

We are pleased to announce the availability of a new mailing list service running under the new lists.linux.dev domain. The goal of this deployment is to offer a subscription service that: prioritizes mail delivery to public-inbox archives available via lore.kernel.org. Toggle navigation Patchwork Linux Kernel Mailing List . Patches Bundles About this project Login; Register Toggle navigation Patchwork Linux Kernel Mailing List Patches Bundles About this project Login; Register; Mail settings; Show patches with: Series = x86/bus_lock: Set rate limit for bus lock | State = Action Required | Archived = No | 4 patches Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State [4/4 How to post to the mailing list? To post to the mailing list one subscribed to above use the following: To: linux-bluetooth@vger.kernel.org. Subject: Your arbitrary subject. Email body: Your arbitrary plain text body.

Linux kernel mailing list

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Many other mailing lists exist to discuss the different subsystems and ports of the linux kernel, but LKML provides the glue that holds the kernel development community together. Alpine (TUI)¶ Config options: In the Sending Preferences section: Do Not Send Flowed Text must be … With the Linux kernel, discussions about patches happen on various mailing lists, so it’s really the best place to look if you want to understand how people are working together. The hard part is that there are well over 100 unique mailing lists for various subsystems, so the mistake I see some researchers making is picking just LKML (the main Linux Kernel Mailing List) to study. Linux-kernel mailing list archive 2003-19, by thread. Most recent messages; Messages sorted by: Starting: Thu 01 Jan 1970 - 05:52:05 EET DST Ending: Sun 18 May 2003 - 09:42:12 EET DST Messages: 2034 irq balancing: performance disaster Jos Hulzink.

Note that this list has entries about upstream kernel changes applied to the Se http://kernel.org/pub/linux/docs/lkml/reporting-bugs.html för information om 

Using linux-arm-kernel: To post a message to all the list members, send email to linux-arm-kernel@lists.infradead.org. You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing subscription, in the sections below.

Linux kernel mailing list

Toggle navigation Patchwork Linux Input Mailing List Patches Bundles About this project Login; Register; Mail settings; Show patches with: Series = HID: new driver for PS5 'DualSense' controller | State = Action Required | Archived = No | 0 patches Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State; No

Linux kernel mailing list

12Day 18-19: Pitch Guest  You can also drop us an email or call us in case you want us to do all the hectic tasks for you to give you Just check the list of DNS Zones in Bind DNS once. Jul 6, 2020 Linux creator Linus Torvalds in a fireside chat with VMware Chief Open Source “Most of the code I write, I actually write inside my mail reader. Sep 17, 2018 For many years, Torvalds has been infamous for his expletive-filled, aggressive outbursts on the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML), chewing out  This paper cross- links and analyzes eight years of patch reviews from the kernel mailing lists and committed patches from the Git repository to understand which  Patchwork Linux Kernel Mailing List. Patches · Bundles · About this project · Login · Register · Mail settings. Show patches with: Submitter = Yang Weijiang  [11/11] KVM: x86: add SMM to the MMU role, support SMRAM address space · KVM: multiple address spaces (for SMM), - - -, 0 0 0, 2015-05-18, Paolo Bonzini  LKML fungerar som den centrala platsen där Linux-utvecklare runt om i världen delar patchar, argumenterar om implementeringsdetaljer och  Det var för drygt en månad sedan som Linus Torvalds meddelade, i ett inlägg i mailinglistan Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML), att han tillfälligt  I Sverige är Lkml.org rankad som 12 839, med ett uppskattat värde av 113 400 månatliga besökare per månad. Klicka för att se andra data om denna sida.

Linux kernel mailing list

PI futexes have a kernel stack use-after-free during fault handling, allowing local users to execute code in the kernel, aka CID-34b1a1ce1458. In case you haven't read the titlebar of your webbrowser's window: this site is the (unofficial) Linux Kernel Mailing List archive. This mailing list is a rather high-volume list, where (technical) discussions on the design of, and bugs in the Linux kernel take place. If that scares you, please read the FAQ. Things you might want to do right now: The Linux kernel mailing list (LKML) is the main electronic mailing list for Linux kernel development, where the majority of the announcements, discussions, debates, and flame wars over the kernel take place. Many other mailing lists exist to discuss the different subsystems and ports of the Linux kernel, but LKML is the principal communication channel among Linux kernel developers. The linux-kernel mailing list is for discussion of the development of the Linux kernel itself. Questions about administration of a Linux based system, programming on a Linux system or questions about a Linux distribution are not appropriate .
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No subscription is required for posting to this mailing list.

Linux-kernel mailing list archive 2003-10, by date.
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How to subscribe to the mailing list of the linux kernel or a specific kernel subsystem? Chose the subsystem you'd like to subscribe to from here. This example will chose linux-bluetooth. The subscription email will need to be sent in plain text. Be sure to check that first : Gmail web client -> there is a Plain text mode you can set

Om du inte har läst titelraden i webbläsarens fönster: den här  This patch makes the needlessly global kill_proc_info() static. Signed-off-by: Adrian Bunk --- include/linux/sched.h | 1 - kernel/signal.c | 3 +-- Experience with System performance profiling and optimization • Understanding of Linux kernel concepts and relevant work experience. • Experience in using… In case you haven't read the titlebar of your webbrowser's window: this site is the (unofficial) Linux Kernel Mailing List archive. This mailing list is a rather high-volume list, where (technical) discussions on the design of, and bugs in the Linux kernel take place.

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Then there are all the side lists and  1 - These lists hosted and run by third parties.