If you know the password for the QSECOFR user profile, use this password to reset the password for the IBM-supplied service tools user ID that has service tools security authority (QSECOFR) to the IBM-supplied default value.


Nouveautés DST en V5R10 - la gestion des mots de passe DST a été modifiée - il est possibile de créer d'autre profils DST que QSECOFR, QSRV 11111111 et 22222222 - vous pouvez préciser pour chaque profil les actions autorisées - la console peut-être twinax, par cable et par le LAN (ces deux dernières options imposent Operation Console) ATTENTION la console par le LAN permet un accès

There is no other profile with *SECADM or *ALLOBJ authority (we are still looking). We know of no programs that will adopt *OWNER rights. We found the V5R3 DVDs but no backups. Is there a way to recover or reset the QSECOFR password? A customer cannot sign on to DST because they don't know the DST QSECOFR password, and they disabled the profile trying to guess. They can't sign on to the iSeries because they don't know the QSECOFR password there either and disabled the profile trying to guess.

Qsecofr as400

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They can't sign on to the iSeries because they don't know the QSECOFR password there either and disabled the profile trying to guess. DST and SST passwords are the same. Then STRSST and sign on with QSECOFR and password QSECOFR (Upper case letters). I think the option is 8 or 5 to work with user ID's.

Subject: Re: Reset QSECOFR password Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" Le 17/11/2016 à 18:26, David Gibbs a écrit : On 11/17/2016 11:01 AM, info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: Hi guys. I have an as400 that I don't know the qsecofr password. Or any user password for that matter. I do not know any sst user ID's either.

Press Enter. On the front of your AS/400, you need to change the mode of the box to MANUAL – which the LED panel should now display 02 B. >>I thought the problem with QSECOFR's password was just my 'fat fingers', >>anyway it got disabled.

Qsecofr as400

ett d\"odstrist datorsystem: IBM AS-400 som exempel.} \end{quotation} \noindent{}De vanligaste s\"atten att komma \aa{}t l\"osenord \"ar inte s\"arskilt underliga.

Qsecofr as400

Users are currently unable to sign into any AS400 sessions. When signing in the user receives a message saying job ended abnormally, and then it goes back to the sign on screen. [mixi]QSECOFR IBMの変な日本語 nokaz@初心者管理人でございます。 いつのまにか、このコミュも80人♪ 50人ですら、夢と思ってましたので、うれしくて舞い上がっております。 2003-01-16 · We just powered on the box Mon. I am trying to get QSECOFR to be able to sign on in my office (pc using tn5250). The console is twinax attached. I have changed the qlmtsecofr in qsysval but, when I try to sign on I am getting the following message: CPF1394 User profile QSECOFR cannot sign on. I can sign on as QSECOFR on the console. Aug 21, 2014 Do STRSST and enter the user ID QSECOFR then take “F9” to change the password.

Qsecofr as400

It displays the number of AS400 commands are CL (Control Language) commands.
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They can't sign on to the iSeries because they don't know the QSECOFR password there either and disabled the profile trying to guess.
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The IBM i (formerly known as the iSeries and AS/400) is a mid-range computer platform that is used by banks, stockbroking, insurance and manufacturing companies to run their financial and ERP applications. The operating system is the i5/OS which is proprietary to IBM i servers and has integrated security, database (DB2) and query management

Enter a brief  IBM AS400 Security Procedures The person holding the QSECOFR profile is typically the master security officer or someone of high management level. This KB article will explain how to schedule backups for an iSeries/AS400 client For username, Unitrends recommends using the 'qsecofr' account. Apr 21, 2017 4 there is some more work, with QSECOFR or a user with following prerequisites, is to be done… 1 2 3, ssh-keygen -  Apr 6, 2012 How do I reset the QSECOFR service tools password?

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AS/400, iSeries og System i. Speciellt för QSECOFR och QSRV we are specialists in providing support services on IBM System i (AS/400).

Anyone trying to break into your system would most likely try to log-in with the default IBM supplied profiles like QSECOFR, QSYSOPR, etc. The Essential iSeries (AS400) Operations Command Guide Page 17 of 30 Work with System Status/WRKSYSSTS - View System Activity and Status (continued) After pressing ENTER, the screen below is displayed. The Work with System Status display shows a group of statistics that depicts the current status of the system.