Investor Relations Newsroom Career Qliro is a leading fintech company in the Nordics which is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since October 2020. Qliro AB, 556962-2441, with its registered address in Stockholm is a credit market company under supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.
Investor Relations. Interim Summary; Calendar; Annual & Interim Reports; Corporate Governance; Ownership
Investment AB Latour. Nasdaq Stockholm. Investment AB Latour. Nasdaq Stockholm. Investment AB Latour COMPANY. About us · Vision · News · Investor Relations · Careers · Contact. PRODUCTS.
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Repurchase of own shares; Ownership Structure; Capital Structure; Dividend Information; Policy for Stock Market Information; Financial Presentations; Key Figures; Financial Calendar; Financial Reports; Annual Reports; Financial Definitions Pricer är idag den enda leverantören av ESL som arbetar med optisk, trådlös kommunikation, vilket ger ett pålitligt och skalbart system. Det betyder att våra etiketter förbrukar betydligt mindre energi än andra kommunikationssystem, och samtidigt behåller snabbhet, flexibilitet och … Pricer AB, founded in Sweden in 1991, is the global leader in providing in-store, digital shelf-edge solutions that enhance both store performance and the shopping experience. Our infrared, electronic shelf-label platform is fast, robust, interconnectable and scalable. Even without a long history, we have achieved quite a lot. Pricer AB Annual Report 2017 Wed, Mar 28, 2018 09:00 CET. The Pricer AB Annual Report 2017 is from today available at our website: The Annual Report will be printed in a limited edition and will be distributed to shareholders who so wishes. The order can be placed to Pricer AB (publ) publishes the annual report 2019.
Acconeer AB:s årsredovisning för 2020 finns från och med idag tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida,
Cookies are used to save your settings, analyse how you browse, and customise content to suit you. They are also used to Investor Relations. Access our financial reports, current stock information, presentations and other relevant information for you to estimate and value the Pricer Group. If you have any questions or would like to have further information, please e-mail us at or phone Helena Holmgren: +46 (0)8 505 582 00.
Pricer AB appoints Susanne Andersson as new CFO Mon, Oct 15, 2018 08:30 CET In addition to a solid experience of various finance functions in listed companies, Susanne has many years of experience from investor relations for companies such as Ericsson.
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Investor Relations. Access our financial reports, current stock information, presentations and other relevant information for you to estimate and value the Pricer Group.
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14 Feb 2001 In April 2000, JDA Software Group, Inc., a global provider of retail solutions, completed the acquisition of Intactix from Pricer AB for US$20.5M in
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Head of Investor Relations . E-mail +46 (0)73 439 25 40. Download vCard. The share. Share information. Consensus estimates. Ownership structure. Latest press releases. 31 Mar, 2021, 08:00 CEST. Change in the number of shares and votes in Tele2. 31 Mar, 2021, 07:00 CEST.
Solved: Two Could Pricer AB ( publ)'s (STO:PRIC B) Investor Composition . Investor Relations - Pricer. Pricer Investor, Total, Shares SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN AB, 2.24%, 10,535,772. BROWN BROTHERS HAUSTA INVESTOR AS, 1.10%, 5,200,000. The leading manufacturer of furniture for offices, hospitals, and classrooms. Our furniture is inspired by innovative research in workspace design.