Government and top leaders in the Attorney General Office. Clients AkzoNobel, Telefónica, Roxtec, Mapfre, BASF, SEB Bank Royal Sun Alliance/Trygg Hansa, 


Mission Statement. Our mission is to protect and serve the citizens of the Western District of Oklahoma through the ethical, vigorous, fair and impartial enforcement of the laws of the United States. In doing so, we are committed to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity as we strive to defend the national security, protect our citizens, safeguard public funds, improve the safety and quality of life in our communities, and defend the vital interests of the United States.

The current Attorney General, Scott Pruitt, is the 17675 S. Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464. Cherokee Nation Home >. Our Government >. Office of the Attorney General. The office of the Cherokee Nation Attorney General represents the tribe in all cases in the court where the Cherokee Nation is a named party, as designated by the Cherokee Nation Constitution. As of Dec 18, 2020, the average annual pay for an Attorney General Office in Oklahoma City is $45,401 an year.

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Following the depiction of his Civil War experiences, Whitman skips over the years from 1867 -- 1873 when he worked for the Office of the Attorney General. In 

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Following the depiction of his Civil War experiences, Whitman skips over the years from 1867 -- 1873 when he worked for the Office of the Attorney General. In 

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