In the new Eurobarometer published on Monday by the European Commission, Romania ranks second, together with Portugal, among the European Union nations with the highest proportions of citizens who have a positive view of the EU – 60 percent. At the same time, 69 percent of Romanians said they were optimistic about the future of the European
This result shows an increase of 20 percentage points compared to 2015 Eurobarometer results**. The EEA SAs have reported that, while the cooperation procedures are robust and efficient works, they are time and resource intensive: SAs need to carry out investigations, observe procedural rules, coordinate and share information with other supervisory authorities.
Reports are published twice yearly. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. 2007 hat das Europäische Parlament seine eigene Eurobarometer-Reihe gestartet. Die Meinungsumfragen erstrecken sich auf ein weites Themenspektrum, wobei die Schwerpunkte darauf liegen, wie die Bürger das Handeln der EU wahrnehmen, was sie diesbezüglich erwarten und welche wichtigen Herausforderungen sie für die Union sehen.
It focuses on Europeans’ views of the European Parliament. The surveys measure Parliament’s public image and role, and how much citizens know about it. Standard & Special Eurobarometer. Flash Eurobarometer. Central & Eastern Eurobarometer (1990-1997) Candidate Countries Eurobarometer (2000-2004) The surveys are conducted on behalf of the European Commission and the responsible Directorate-General (s), particular modules are commissioned by the European Parliament . Eurobarometer is a series of multi-topic, pan-European surveys undertaken for the European Commission since 1970, covering attitudes towards European integration, policies, institutions, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information … The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1974.
Mar 15, 2021 English News and Press Release on World about Humanitarian Financing and Epidemic; published on 15 Mar 2021 by ECHO.
Eurobarometer gebruikt zowel algemene opiniepeilingen als onderzoeken gericht op specifieke doelgroepen. Tweemaal per jaar worden onder de naam Eurobarometer de resultaten gepubliceerd van periodieke opiniepeilingen onder de consumenten en bedrijven van de Europese Unie.
Jun 9, 2017 On the launch day of the European Defence Fund, the latest Eurobarometer results on “Designing Europe's future: Security and Defence” have
The EEA SAs have reported that, while the cooperation procedures are robust and efficient works, they are time and resource intensive: SAs need to carry out investigations, observe procedural rules, coordinate and share information with other supervisory authorities. 2018-12-13 26,836 citizens in 27 EU Member States have been interviewed for the latest Eurobarometer survey on the Single Market. Their views are summarized in this vid 2021-03-09 2017-04-12 Intermittently special Eurobarometer modules extensively address topics, such as environment, science and technology, health or family issues, social or ethnic exclusion, quality of life etc. The “European Communities Studies” 1970-1973 can be considered forerunner studies, as well the “Attitudes towards Europe” from 1962. 2 days ago The Parlemeter is an annual Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament in all EU Member States since 2007.
Eurobarometer is a series of public opinion surveys conducted regularly on behalf of the European Commission and other EU Institutions since 1973. These surveys address a wide variety of topical issues relating to the European Union throughout its member states. Eurobarometer is a series of multi-topic, pan-European surveys undertaken for the European Commission since 1970, covering attitudes towards European integration, policies, institutions, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information technology, the environment and other topics.
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Brussels. INRA (Europe) European Coordination Office Special Eurobarometer 449. Report.
Eurobarometer is a series of multi-topic, pan-European surveys undertaken for the European Commission since 1970, covering attitudes towards European integration, policies, institutions, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information …
The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1974.
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Eurobarometer gebruikt zowel algemene opiniepeilingen als onderzoeken gericht op specifieke doelgroepen. Tweemaal per jaar worden onder de naam Eurobarometer de resultaten gepubliceerd van periodieke opiniepeilingen onder de consumenten en bedrijven van de Europese Unie.
Eurobarometer: Public Opinion in the European Union. Report Number 45.
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The Eurobarometer measures the European population’s attitudes about various issues related to Europe. The informational value of the Eurobarometer is viewed as quite high, since the surveys, which are conducted twice a year, generate a large quantity of data.
The survey provides information about the citizens' attitudes towards foreign languages and multilingualism within the European Union.It looks at the ways in which Europeans learn and use foreign languages, exploring their motivations and potential barriers to learning.It also gauges their opinion on the role of interpretation and Eurobarometer primary data and related documentation (questionnaires, codebooks, etc.) are made available by GESIS, ICPSR and through the Social Science Data Archive networks. Adequate use of these data presupposes at least basic knowledge in data analysis methodology and experience in the use of statistical software packages (information on Eurobarometer weighting variables should also be noticed). Eurobarometer : the dynamics of European opinion : essays in honour of Jacques-René Rabier. London: MacMillan. ISBN: 0333527542 The 2010 Eurobarometer survey found that, on average, 51% of the citizens of the EU member states state that they "believe there is a God", 26% "believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" while 20% "don't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force". 3% declined to answer. The European Commission has published a Eurobarometer survey presenting European citizens' opinions on the impact of digitisation and automation on daily life.